I hope everyone had a Happy Thanksgiving! I took the week off of purging due to being super busy with the holiday. Getting back on track with cleaning, organizing and purging, I focused on Ava’s drawers. I have been wanting to go through them for some time. There were clothes from 12 months all the way up to 2T and it was a mess! I started by emptying each drawer individually. I would go through whatever was in that drawer and sort it into three categories. I would either keep the item, save for little sister, or donate or toss. Most of the clothes I kept or saved for Addy. I got rid of about a bag of clothes to donate or toss. Once I completed emptying out the drawers it was time to organize! There are a total of six drawers in Ava’s dresser. The first row in Ava’s dresser has her pajama’s and then her diapers. I have Ava’s changing pad on top of her dresser so it was important to have her diapers within an arm’s reach. The second row in her drawers contains her tops and bottoms. Since we are just in the beginning of having cold weather, I am storing all of Ava’s summer and spring clothes. I did put two dividers in each drawer. This allowed three rows in each of Ava’s drawers. This allows me to see what she. The last row of drawers I also put a divider in each one. In the first drawer, I have two overalls and in the other divider I have all of her socks and stockings. In the second drawer I have outfits that match and are more for going out. I have two bags of clothes that I am going to save for Addy. That means I had a total of three extra bags of clothes piled in Ava’s drawers! Wow, the space is amazing!
Of course, I am tempted to buy all that adorable little girls clothes but I remember that I want simple and easy. The more clothes that Ava has, the more clothes that I have to take care of. It doesn’t mean that I am not going to buy an outfit here and there. I just do not want to get into a situation where I have an abundance of clothes. They are going to get dirty, they are going to get stains. I would rather her wear her clothes hard and frequent and get my moneys worth than hardly wear the outfit at all.
It feels so nice to open up the drawers and not have to riffle through to find a top or bottom. Having everything organized makes it easier to put clothes away too!
THESE ARE THE BOMB! They are very sturdy and get the job done. They are not super tall so if you are a stacker your clothes could get mixed together. To fix this I would just place slightly higher in the drawer. Enjoy!!